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Level 2 QPR Suicide Triage Training

  • CE Credits: 8-10 hours required. Meets requirements for Washington State law. 8 CEs awarded.
  • Course Type: Online
  • Course Completion Time: 6-10 hours
  • Price: $119

Course Features

  • Videos
  • Audio
  • Interactive Practice Challenges
  • Thought challenges
  • Interactive Quizzes
  • Surveys
  • Rich Content

Course Description

This course is for those on the “front lines” of suicide prevention: crisis volunteers and professionals, 911 and 211 operators, I&R workers, clergy, school counselors, case managers, occupational therapists, health care workers or anyone who is likely to come into first contact with someone who may be suicidal. Often times this first contact may be in a clinical care or first responder setting.

A customized version of this course is available for law enforcement, EMS/firefighters, nurses and primary care physicians and physician assistants (please course listings).

This interactive course teaches you how to detect and interview people in crisis, how to determine if they are suicidal, how to assess immediate risk of suicide, as well as how to immediately reduce the risk of a suicide attempt or completion through a safety planning and referral process.

We will teach you what to say, what questions to ask, what the answers to your questions mean and how these answers will help determine risk and next steps to ensure the person’s safety. The training will also be helpful in working with people in text over the internet.

This online training program cannot cover all the relevant things you need to know, but through our consultations with hundreds of professionals and their input, we have a pretty good idea of some helpful things we can teach you and that you should find of value.

A complimentary 1st Responder Training manual to supplement this online training program with a classroom post-training experience is available on request.

International students please note

Suicide rates for QPR courses are US-specific. To determine suicide rates in your country, please visit the World Health Organization at http://www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide_rates/en/ .

As you will see, many of these reports are quite dated. If your country keeps such data but does not necessarily report to WHO, try Googling federal, state, or province name and "suicide rate." If you are teaching suicide prevention courses you will need this data; the more local the data the better. But remember that suicide rates need 5 to 10 year horizons to be of much value as to interpreting any changes in trend lines.

The Training Program

As background to building this course, you should know that what we will teach you is also taught to mental health professionals, nurses, law enforcement professionals, and many others who are in the front ranks of health care and suicide prevention work.


  • Course time required: 8 to 10 hours, depending on reading speed and how much time the student explores web links and practices the intervention.
  • Many people taking this course have a high degree of line-of-duty exposure to suicidal behaviors, both in the pre-attempt phase (when suicidal persons are communicating intent and desire to attempt suicide via suicide warning signs), and after a suicide attempt or completion.
  • While perceived comfort and competence in conducting suicide interventions or dealing with suicide events varies considerably, many volunteers and professionals have not had specific suicide prevention training that would be beneficial to them when dealing with potentially suicidal people face-to-face, on the phone, or even in the text-only world of cyberspace
  • For some learners, this course is a "next step" up from basic QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention (included in this program if the learner has not already taken basic QPR training). For those who have already taken basic QPR training, the online module offered here will provide a good review. Compared to basic QPR, this course is much more extensive in terms content, research, and understanding suicidal behavior, and teaches you how to assess acute risk and conduct what may be a life-saving intervention.
  • To earn the QPR Suicide Triage Certificate the learner must complete all modules and pass all quizzes.

    The final exam is a national 25-item test that few health care or mental health professionals can pass without completing this or a similar training program.
  • Of note, the QPR Institute trains and licenses Certified QPR Instructors for those interested in teaching basic QPR face-to-face, and we also train and certify people to teach this course face-to-face (about 40 hours of training). If certified as an instructor for QPR Institute courses, you will be authorized to teach this program and issue certificates to those you train.
  • The four primary goals of the QPR Institute are:
    • Raise public awareness about suicide and its prevention.
    • Provide low-cost, high-tech, effective, basic Gatekeeper and intervention skills training to lay persons who may be able to prevent a suicide.
    • Provide suicide prevention and intervention training programs for a variety of professionals and for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students preparing for careers in the helping professions.
    • Reduce morbidity and mortality of suicidal persons served by health care, correctional, hospital and other institutions through a systems approach to suicide risk reduction that enhances first responder and clinical competencies to detect, assess, monitor, manage and treat persons known to be at elevated risk for suicidal behaviors.

As of this writing in the Spring of 2011, the Institute has trained more than 10,000 Certified Gatekeeper Instructors who have, in turn, trained more than one million gatekeepers worldwide. In addition, thousands of clinical health care providers have been trained in how to detect, assess, and manage suicidal consumers.

If this sounds like an "army" of people helping to prevent suicide, it is. Now, with your help, we will create a new division in that army of people trained to help prevent suicide.

Program Background and Purpose

While expert opinion may differ as to what helper competencies are required to assist suicidal persons achieve the most beneficial outcomes, little controversy exists about the lack of qualified manpower to help the thousands of people who think about, attempt and sometimes die by suicide, including those you respond to in the line of duty.

Even among licensed professionals there is a serious lack of systematic training in how to a) detect suicide risk, b) assess immediate risk for suicidal behaviors and c) provide helpful crisis mitigation services to suicidal persons.

The history and source of the Institute's training programs is derived from earlier research and development work in partnership with Washington State University, The Washington Institute for Mental Health Research, the Washington State Youth Suicide Prevention Program, Spokane Mental Health, and Spokane County Regional Health District.

We believe that crisis volunteers, first responders, 911 and 211 professionals, case managers, emergency services professionals, corrections professionals as well as many others in frequent contact with at risk populations need to know as much about suicidal behaviors and how to intervene to reduce risk and enhance safety as do trained mental health professionals.

To this end, the online program you are about to take is intended to train you in the knowledge and skills you will need to provide competent services in suicide risk detection, initial intervention, and how to immediately mitigate the risk of a suicide attempt.

What this training program is not

This training is not a substitute for a college degree in counseling or other helping profession, nor can it provide the face-to-face supervised experience those in the helping professions are provided in the course of their professional career development.

This training program teaches initial and basic suicide risk assessment skills. Advanced suicide risk assessment training for healthcare professionals is available from the QPR Institute in a course entitled: QPRT Suicide Risk Assessment and Risk Management Training.

  • Participants must be at least 18 years of age
  • If employed by, or volunteering for, an organization, participants agree to accept all expectations and employment rules of their parent organization. The QPR Institute does not vet or otherwise qualify students for this course.

The Training Program

Modularized in a rich mix of text, video, voice-over PowerPoint™ lectures, interactive practice sessions, and other state-of-the-art e-learning technologies, the QPR Suicide Triage Certificate requires completing all online modules and passing a final exam. If the learner passes this national exam he or she will have demonstrated more knowledge about suicide and its prevention than a large majority of mental health professionals. Additional classroom and support training is recommended.

If you have not yet completed basic QPR training, it is recommended, but not required, that you complete it before taking this course.

Basic QPR gatekeeper training goals:

  • Understand the common myths and facts surrounding suicide
  • Recognize someone at risk of suicide
  • Demonstrate increased knowledge about suicide and its causes
  • Identify unique verbal, behavioral, and situational suicide warning signs
  • Know how to inquire about suicidal intent and desire
  • Know how to engage and assist a suicidal colleague or co-worker
  • Apply QPR with potentially suicidal people
  • Know what to say to people who have attempted suicide and to the loved ones left behind by a completed suicide
  • Demonstrate QPR intervention skills

Advanced QPR Suicide Triage training goals:

  • Understand suicide as a major public health problem.
  • Describe the US National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
  • Describe and locate major suicide prevention web sites and online resources
  • Describe the scope of the problem of suicide in his or her state or province
  • Understand basic information about the nature of suicide and what people are most at risk of attempting or dying by suicide
  • Know how to conduct an initial suicide risk assessment method used by thousands of mental health professionals
  • Learn to speak the language of suicide (think terminology) to reduce referral friction from professionals
  • Know how to document precise and accurate suicide risk information in a concise and competent manner
  • Know how to immediately reduce the acute distress, despair, and hopelessness being experienced by the suicidal persons with whom you come into contact by engaging in a helpful, empathic, understanding interview
  • Know how to immediately enhance protective factors against suicide by working with the suicidal person to make a safety and survival plan
  • Recognize at least three suicide warning signs
  • Recognize and identify at least three risk factors for suicide
  • Recognize and identify at least three protective factors against suicide
  • Understand means restriction and how to immediately reduce risk
  • Understand the nature of suicide and describe at least one theory of suicidal behavior
  • Demonstrate basic helping skills following suicide attempts or completions
  • Describe the relationship of mental illness and substance abuse to suicide and understand the fundamentals of our current knowledge about suicide and its prevention
  • Pass a nationally standardized exam demonstrating fundamental knowledge about suicide, its causes, and the current status of suicide prevention in America


By completing this training volunteers, students, and paid professionals are awareded QPR Suicide Triage Certificate.

NOTE: If you intend to purchase more than one course, please contact Dana Zavala at (888) 726-7926 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Individual certificate pricing:

Certificate of Course Completion (6 hours) Pricing

Per person










Large employers may inquire about discounted unlimited use licenses (3 year minimum contract is required).

For any questions with pricing, please contact Brian Quinnett @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you for helping to prevent suicide.